? ??????????????Hello Kitty? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.2 (313 Ratings)??26 Grabs Today. 25144 Total Grabs.
??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Zebra Fur? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??22 Grabs Today. 1003 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Pair of Pu BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


ok these computers r really getting on my nerves....u kno how the ape mixer site was blocked yesterday? well it was working 2day...-_-' and the computers dont want 2 send an email the rite way.....-grrrrr- anyway...this is really just about AP...AP sux...i dont even kno y im taking this class....nevermind...cuz my grandmas making me _-_ we just started chapter 25 yesterday finished it 2day now we have 2 have the test 2moro....thats not the part im upset about tho....cuz i have my ways of passing -clears throat BLAZE cough couh....sneeze- i hope no one noticed that -looks around- anyway im mad cuz i have 2 do the whole freakin outline and my vocabulary words and then he expects us 2 read part of chapter 26...his excuse is always "This is an AP class. If u didn't want to work then y r u signed up 4 it" yep...the whole class could probably have that speech memorized by now....its supposed 2 rain on my birthday.....i wonder if people still kno wen that is.... O.o anywayz...yea and then there r 5 essay questions....thats a lot.....and im not even sure about which ones r on there....he said the answers could b simple so thats exactly how im gonna put them....one or two sentences....yep....and i hate how he reviews...HE DOESNT EVEN GO OVER THE WHLE TEST.....SIGN THE SOLOMON PETITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o yea...-Blaze im talking 2 u now...i looked at the little post thingy and it didn't say u signed it....- heres the webby again:


yea....so im gonna go now cuz i got 4th period work.......DARN IT!!!!!!!


Mina said...

OMG Alycia thank you sooo much for reminding me! I forgot that we had to do the outline. And I so noticed the whole couch sneeze BLAZE thing lol! And I did too sign up! I'm going to try it again then...gosh lol XD