? ??????????????Hello Kitty? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.2 (313 Ratings)??26 Grabs Today. 25144 Total Grabs.
??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Zebra Fur? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??22 Grabs Today. 1003 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Pair of Pu BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Short Post

ok im gonna try 2 keep this simple and sweet cuz i need 2 eat...yes i made a rhymie WAT NOW HOMEBOYZ/GIRLZ?!?!?!?!?!?! >.< ok so 1st period i have spanish 1 and the teacher is funny ^-^ u kno how u review the student code of conduct book on the 1st week? well she actually made reading it....omg....can u believe it....


then 2nd period was kinda fun 2...but it seems lyk theres gonna b a lot of writing n that class even tho i kno its a literature class -.- pretty much the ppl who were n my math class last year and my lit class n 9th grade (i miss ms. wright :(...) were n the same lit class this year....then 3rd period chemistry came and pretty much the same ppl were n there including kim and tomato......i cant believe kim finished all that AP u.s history work....she said wen she finished and emailed the assignment 2 him she was about 2 go 2 bed but her alarm went off and it was time 4 her 2 get up....O.o she is so dedicated.....i couldnt (and wouldnt) do it 4 that white man (no rascism meant by that @ all) anyway there were even more ppl i knew n my lunch....still stuck n B lunch but im glad its not D :) o yea jennifers n my lunch....which reminds me....BLAZE OUR SKOOL IS LYK INFESTED WITH ASIANS NOW!!!!!!!!! I PROMISE U THERE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! I HAVE 2 LEAST 3 OF THEM N MY 4TH PERIOD CLASS!!!!!!!!! i was so shocked......and then on the way 2 the buses...(they changed it 2 where the buses have 2 park out front cuz there doin renovations on the skool.....dnt kno y they dnt do it over the summer -.-) bak 2 my poin....on the way 2 the buses (where i almost got lost X.x) i saw @ least 10 of them standing outside n there group and one of them was walking over and takin off his shirt O.o ghetto asians x.x o yea and 2 of them sat with us @ lunch ^o^ i was lyk all of them would come AFTER blaze leaves the skool XD anyway bak 2 my 1st day....i have 4th period painting with mr adams.....i never realized how boring his class could b wen we werent doing sumthing relating 2 art -.- all he did was talk about the code of conduct and i was trying SO HARD not 2 fall asleep....i had 2 keep shifting n my seat and scratching my head 2 keep awake =.= it dnt help that i stayed up til 5:30 n the morning then had 2 wake up 2 6 *-* im sure the ppl around me were gettin annoyed with how much i was movin but who cares about those stupid sophmores? XP yes its mostly a sophmore class so i hardly kno anybody n there welp tis a day @ stone mountain high skool C YA NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! i told u it would b short....*o* time 2 eat ^o^


Mina said...

That was not short!!!! Lol.. And omg take pictures of the Asians for me please! Freakin' Asians hiding from me. -.-