I GOT STICKERS ON MY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^
ok so i just read one of my friends' blogs and she wondered wat would happen if she was n Twilight.....i think it would b kinda cool....I WOULD ACT SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!! and u kno wat...i passed 2 Asians n the hallway 2day and they ignored (dnt hear me) I WAS MAD!!!!!!!! we're watching Hancock now....tehehe....Hancock....the people n this movie act so WHITE just cuz Hancock is BLACK!!!!!!!! GETTIN ON MY NERVES!!!!!! stupid white lady is talking now......hope nobody takes offense 2 this post....this movie is funny....now i really dnt kno wat 2 talk about!!!! THE SUB 2DAY 4 AP WAS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!! gettin on my nerves....hehe...shawnteia tried 2 walk out of class and we thought she wouldnt notice but she got her....even tho there were only lyk 5 minutes left of class....that was so stupid....i heard Monica call her a stupid b^&%&!!!! we're @ the part where Hancock gets n jail and i c a fat white man and he's wearing lyk a see-through t-shirt and u can c his nipples and he's hairy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he just stuck sumbodys head up sumbody else's butt......HA IT WAS FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2day is the last skool day b4 spring break!!!! THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! i mite go 2 the fun center on thrusday 4 tomato's b-day!!!! WE SHOULD GET THE TWILIGHT CAST 2 COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SHE SAID THERE WERE A LOT OF ASIANS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yep....if a lot of them sho up me and blaze r definitely taking pictures with them!!!!!!!!!!!! oooooooohhhhhhhh.......I JUST SAW PRETTY STREETS!!!!!!!!!!!! o yea.....2nd period was fun!!!!!! we spent all day practicing the poems and i was lyk THANK GOD cuz we were NOT ready 2 perform them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blaze was acting stupid as our director and she kept making us laugh.....now she ruined the surprise 4 herself sucker......AND NOW HER GROUP PROBALLY DOES HAVE 2 PERFORM CUZ I THINK ALL OF HER GROUP WILL B THERE NEXT FRIDAY WEN WE REALLY PERFORM!!!!!!!!!!!! i ate a LOT n that class.....people brought snacks and i had a donut, sum dorritos, bar-b-que (tehehe....bar-b-que sounds funny 2 me) chips, an oatmeal pie and i kept getting seconds....then i drank all my coke cuz i wanted orange juice (dnt kno we had more coke) but wen i saw we had more coke i drank all of the orange juice so i could get sum MORE coke....then i stole sum of ruth's dorritos and got sum more chips......AND THEN I ATE ALL OF MY LUNCH!!!!!!!! precious dnt want her pizza so i was about 2 take that.......GOD IM FAT!!!!!!!!!!! im glad i got n touch with one of my VERY old friends (SANDY ^-^) lord knows i missed her......TOMATO JUST MENTIONED HAPPY TREE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mite watch that n a minute....i crack up @ the thought of lyk sumbody dying.....but not if it was sumone close 2 me or my friends u kno wat i mean? of course u dnt cuz u never do!!!!!!! im trying 2 understand how to work this program 4 3rd period but its lyk....not working.....nope....geting on my nerves....gosh thats lyk the 3rd time i typed that gettin on my nerves (4th time) WAT NOW SUCKAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o yea.....tomato made a blog 2 so y'all should go check hers out!!!!! ^-^ hey i dnt have as many faces n this one!!!!!!
*o* ^-^ O.o @_@ *-T (my newly created face copyrighted by me!!!!!! if anyone steals it u'll hear it from my imaginary lawyer!!!!!!!!) AND I AM STEALING ALL OF STEPHENIE MEYERS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ least get an idea from her story....i want sumthing totally original........I'LL MAKE A BIOGRAPHY ABOUT HOW THE MONKEYS R TRYING 2 TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its true.....so bak 2 the faces......T.T TT_TT +_+ (another copyrighted face) did sumone just call him a camel? O.o XP XD C: >:[ <-did this face get split up? O.o so anyway give me a random question.....i typed all this n 4th period....i have no life.....ah!!! wat happens wen u mix a donkey's head, an eagle's body, and a lion's butt? how does it feel 2 b u? O.o is it fun? or is it boring? i kno im boring.....i dnt kno how u lasted reading my blogs this far....and commenting on everyone of them....o well....i want a cinnamon roll....AW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I C A LITTLE BOY AND HES SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not n the movie.....this is a lot 2 type....yep....ok so tomatos blogger is:
GO THERE NOW SUCKY HOMEDOGIIE DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (tomato n the background: OR I SHALL BLO U UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) goodness it took a long time 2 type that...._-_ AND I BELIEVE IM FINALLY HEALED!!!!!!!!! *does extremely happy dance...* more 2 add: ok....im creeped out...sumbody just stopped by our house rang the doorbell twice and left....wen i looked out the window i dnt recognize the BIG BLACK TRUCK!!!! it was scary....my grandpa was downstairs and dnt answer the door....i told u he's a lazy %$^#%$@...-_-' and he CLAIMS he dnt hear it....even tho none of the TVs were turned up loud or anything...im just looking @ him lyk u a freakin lie....i guess im kinda glad he dnt answer the door....i thought sumbody was trying 2 shoot us.... :'( so now i shall b scared 4 the rest of the nite......THATS ALL I WANTED 2 SAY!!!!!! ....i think.....O.o'
Friday, April 3, 2009
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 1:52 PM
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omg you wrote all of that in fourth period you should be doing your work, but can you follow Tomato's blog for me? and did you go to her birthday? ?.? IM STEALING THOSE FACES!
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