? ??????????????Hello Kitty? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.2 (313 Ratings)??26 Grabs Today. 25144 Total Grabs.
??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Zebra Fur? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??22 Grabs Today. 1003 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Pair of Pu BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, April 13, 2009


ok....so our skool is officially bootleg....we had 2 eat lunch n the classrooms cuz there were ceiling tiles falling n the cafeteria....._-_ i was lyk wat the freak....and i actually ate lunch 2day...have u ever felt lyk wen u eat ur hungrier than wen u dnt eat? did that make sense? O.o lyk i dnt usualy eat lunch but wen i ate lunch 2day i couldnt wait 2 get home cuz i was starving....so i got home and ate a family-sized lasagna all by myself!!! ^-^ 2day was..........hectic.....it all started wen i almost missed the bus...the sucky bus driver decided 2 come early the day im kinda running late....-_-' then i get on the bus and have 2 do my essay questions cuz i dnt really finish the test..._-_ then i get 2 skool and almost everyone n the class is working on it n the cafeteria....and we get n class and we're still working on it and checking each others answers.....then #### (not saying any names) comes n late and $$$$$$ gets n a fite with her.......sum1 recorded it...i was lyk we r so black....there were sum mexicans 2 ^-^...and a white man who almost pretty much got run over *o* we laughed @ that.....then we get 2 second period and we started greek mythology.....we're watching this movie and i think hercules was real stupid...but just n this movie...i lyked the disney one ^-^ then we get 2 third period and i have 2 walk all the way around the skool 2 get 2 my locker and all the way back 2 get bak 2 my class only 2 find the door got locked so i had 2 walk around sum more....then the cafeteria thingy with the ceiling and we had 2 go 2 lunch lyk one class @ a time.....then n 4th period i did my work and me and tomato acted ridiculously (BIG WORD!!!! ^-^) stupid.......well that was my bootleg day...and it all happened the day we come bak from spring break T.T ......yep......

and then i come home only 2 find the seven on my keyboard is stuck and i have an extremely hard time pressing it TT.TT it REALLY sucks cuz i have 2 type n my email 4 almost everything (myspace, facebook, blogger, etc.) and it has 3 sevens n it...._-'_


sarahh said...

nice day huh? l0l

Mina said...

Yes our school is so freakin' bootleg. And they should have closed down the school because of the tiles. Anyway I SOOO KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT WHEN YOU EAT YOU GET HUNGRIER! THAT IS SOOOO FREAKIN TRUE! Someone knows my pain! I LOVE YOU!!