? ??????????????Hello Kitty? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.2 (313 Ratings)??26 Grabs Today. 25144 Total Grabs.
??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Zebra Fur? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??22 Grabs Today. 1003 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Pair of Pu BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, March 9, 2009


ok so i just found this thing where i didnt have 2 go 2 his myspace 2 find it......here it is:
From Solomon’s MySpace
My agent heard from Summit Entertainment today that I will not be reprising the role of Sam in “New Moon.” While I will cherish the experience of being involved in the first film, I am looking forward to many new opportunities in the future and would like to thank everyone for their support.
THIS SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL STRONGLY PROTEST!!!!!!!!!! do u kno y?! CUZ I HATE WEN THEY GET PEOPLE 4 A MOVIE AND THERES A SEQUEL BUT THEY DONT USE THE SAME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS JUST NOT THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if u feel as strongly as i do about this then sign the petition below:
-puts imaginary petition below post-
yea......U SHOULD KNO IM A TWILIGHT FAN AND SHALL SOON OWN EVERYTHING TWILIGHT-ISH AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH MY VAMPIRE, MONKEY AND WEREWOLVE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o and my regular friends 2..........yea....um yeah.....SO PROTEST PEOPLE PROTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............o and i wouldnt b doing this if i didn't think he wanted 2 b n the movie..........BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here's the website the petition is on: YEAH!!!!!!!! I WENT PROFESSIONAL ON THESE GANGSTA BOYZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUCKAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! -flips out and runs away 2 drown n a bowl of noodles......GANGSTER NOODLES!!!!!!-
tehehe...it underlined purple!!!!!!!! this was done by TOMASIA (TOMATO) AND ALYCIA (TENPI TAIYOU) -that means sun tiger n japanese...i think....AND THIS TIME IM TELLING THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!-


Mina said...

where did the monkey come in? lol! I'm so signing this protest!! -signs name- oops wrong name [did I reveal my secrewt identity??] lol XD