this isnt important but i just wanted 2 say my grandpa eats lyk a freakin animal!!! we had hot wings and he was drooling on the floor and dnt even clean it up....then he took over my plate of ranch and im just lyk "u kno wat? i dnt even want any more...." then u could hear him chew and it sounded all squishy and crap AND he dnt chew with his mouth closed....IM STARTING 2 THINK HES GETTING LYK LENNIE!!!!!!!!! }:0 AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
o and im thinking about starting another blog 4 pictures only....should i do that? O.o UR OPINION MATTERS!!!!!!!!! HELP CHANGE THE WORLD!!!!!!! POWER 2 THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!! ok now i being tupid....-_-'
Friday, May 29, 2009
Take a Moment...
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 6:51 PM 2 comments
seems lyk its been 4ever since i had a fake word as my title :} im blogging now cuz i dnt think it would b fair 4 me 2 bug kim about blogging and then i dnt do it... :X so anteways....wat did i do after the bbq....NOTHING!!!!! except sleep....ok...i have been off and on with this exercise thingy ive been trying 2 stick 2 but im 2 lazy 2 stick 2 anything!!!!!! =( THIS TIME I WILL STICK 2 IT THO!!!!!!! the new moon premiere is coming up....i mean the little sneak peek on the MTV not sure if ill b able 2 record it D= o well...if i cant ill just wait 4 sum1 2 upload it 2 youtube.....and then watch it 50 million jillion times until the movie comes out....NEW FACE!!--> X} MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! so anyway remember wen i said i was gonna paint the kitchen? i dnt say it? well we picked up the paint yesterday and painted 2day....we actually finished the side of the kitchen we wanted n less than an hour!!!!!! we were gonna paint the whole kitchen but the refrigerator and cabinets got n the way so we were just lyk we're gonna put wallpaper up 4 that...x.x lazy much? MWAHAHAHA....THEHEHEHEHEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! my computer is as gay as ever....i just had 2 restart it....-_-' we went 2 the store 2day cuz grammy wanted 2 get sum stuff that would match the kitchen and we got a lot of stuff....wats that sho where the people redecorate ur house? well thats what it feels lyk were doing now THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEE!!!!!! and papa doesnt even kno yet....its almost lyk he doesnt care so grammy just said screw it (she dnt really say that but it seemed lyk thats wat she wanted 2 say...._-_) im gonna redo the house myself since were not moving anytime soon!!! (she wants 2 move but she doesnt kno where...'-' ANOTHER NEW FACE!!!!!!!!) i just wanted 2 paint and i got my exercise 4 the day....i still gonna do the little exercises from fit tv tho cuz there fun!!! ^o^ now this time its not my fault i cant put the pics up!!!!! i still dnt kno where my camera is so i asked grammy 2 take pics with hers so i have 2 wait til she emails them 2 me!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHUHUHUHUHUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT ALL MY FAULT THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <=] YET ANOTHER NEW FACE!!!!!!!!
Only keep reading if you want to!!!!!!!!!
have u noticed how people treat celebrities lyk their gods? ok i kno lyk singers and watever try 2 touch people with their music but sumtimes songs r pointless....lyk wats-her-name with that song lipgloss....wats the point of singing about stuff that makes ur lips shiny? O.o i should come out with a song about shoes....o...wait a minute....they already have one...-_-'
so anyway y do we treat celebrities lyk we do? anybody can sing (its just certain people who have the voice 4 it) anybody can act or dance how come only sum people get noticed? and y r they so powerful n society? i swear people r 2 shallow 4 their own good.....i relly feel bad 4 celebs tho cuz they dnt ever get any privacy....its lyk there lives r open books 4 the world 2 c....and 1 day there gonna get n trouble if they havent already....people r evil...spreading gossip...they never spread the good stuff its always bad (99.9% of the time) and celebs r the main targets....tis the downfall of being rich and famous....*shakes head*
i should start a petition: STOP BULLYING THE CELEBRITIES!!!!!!! LET THEM HAVE A LIFE OF THEIR OWN!!!!!!!! *imagine me getting shot @ this point*....nevermind......O.e
i just realized i had a lot more 2 talk about....if ur still reading...but of course u r!!!! ISNT THAT RITE!!!! >8D
so we went 2 home depot yesterday 2 pick up the paint and there were a whole bunch of asians!!!!!!!!!! they all looked lyk they were part of a gang or sumthing...-_-' i definitely wasnt gonna talk 2 them....i saw a lot of asians n walmart 2day 2....there plenty of hispanics @ home depot 2....and this white guy (no racism n any of these statements) kept staring @ me *o* i was lyk *i think ur a little 2 old 4 me dude...-__-* and then he kept passing us n the isles im lyk this freakin stalker and he would try 2 look @ me wen we were asking help from the tall worker dude and i kept turning away.....oh....there were so many full paint cans i couldve hit him mad i dnt do it T^T i cant believe grammy dnt notice!!!!! or was she ignoring me so he could take me home and rape me?!?!?!?! O.o TT.TT then we went 2 mcdonalds....the guys there creeped me out 2...
we went 2 walmart the dollar store and fred's...hehe...fred's...anyway...i looked @ the art supplies (crayons, markers, pencils, other crap lyk that....wat can i say? im an artist!!! ^w^) the lady @ the cash register n walmart was sooooo not making fun of her or anything but she couldnt get wat grammy was telling i read sum magazine with robert pattinson on the cover.....1st she took 4ever 2 ring the stuff up....then grammy tried 2 pay 4 the stuff with her $25 gift card and cover the rest with her debit card but the woman thought she was trying 2 add $25 dollars 2 the card....-_-' after about 10 minutes they finally got the common sense 2 ask sum1 4 help and wen the helper lady left the other lady still dnt kno wat 2 do..._-_ but im not gonna b 2 hard on her cuz she was an old woman a new worker and a watever...there were a lot of old people there *o* o yea and wen grammy went 2 the bathroom i think there was a pedophile sitting on the bench near the bathroom cuz he was lookin @ me and clearing his throat i wouldve went over but then he put his arm on the back of the bench and he looked creepy....i kno ur not supposed 2 judge a book by its cover but i dnt care so i pretended 2 get a drink of water....he kept lookin @ me and clearing his throat...i kept drinking water and ignoring him......after 4ever grammy finally came out....and i wanted 2 do a victory dance....-_-' O.o im getting a gun this anywayzzzzz.....grammy got sum pillows but she decided 2 take them bak wen she found sum cheaper ones that went better with the color of the anyway....we were n freds (=OwO=) 4 a good time...i read sum more twilight magazines n there and....nothing interesting happened...-_-' we went 2 the dollar store (one of the big ones) and i almost got lost O.O' i did get a cowgirl hat tho!!!! and its purple! YAY!!!!!!
grammy just came n here saying she thinks she left sumthing @ the store.....wait...yep she did....well...2day has been a trying i shall do wat makes me 4get all my worries!!!!!!!!!! WATCH ANIME!!!!!!!! SAYONARA!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....I WENT JAPANESE ON U HOMEDAWGZ!!!!!!!!!!! XD ADIOS!!!!! (thats half japanese half spanish...O.u')
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 1:58 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
WHOOOOO!!!!! yeah....2nd post 4 2day...
if u havent read the post b4 this GO READ IT NOW!!!!!!!!! XD my brother is n south carolina now driving up 2 delaware....i did tell him happy birthday and i finished eating...we had steak, chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, 3 different kinds of hot dogs, pasta, and beans ^-^ fat much? yea i kno.....but the food was moms outside playing basketball rite now and its hot....everywhere we gooooooo....its hot...cuz our stupid air conditioner chose 2 beak @ the wrong time.....i started cleaning my room and washed a load of clothes 2day...i feel so responsible....o yea and we watched coming 2 america....good movie....ok....cuz its still kinda the beginning of the day i gots more stuff 2 do....i think!!!!!!! BYE BYE!!!!!!!!!
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 12:33 PM 2 comments
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!!!!!!!!! welppers...we went 2 the movies night at the museum: battle at the smithsonian or watever....i wanna meet quileute indians!!!!!!!! dnt kno where that came from....uh.........o...then we went 2 the fun center 2 bowl...I BEAT EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! i was lyk OoO then ^o^ MWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!! but the only reason i could beat mommy was cuz she had a nail that was tryin 2 break off but she couldnt do it and couldnt get it fixed at the nail salon so it was bothering her.....well who cares...this moment goes down in history!!!!!! yep....were having a cookout little sister is goin 2 texas 2day and my brother is leavin 4 delaware 2moro.....u ever feel lyk everyone has sumwhere 2 go except u? O.o i think they have more of a life than me...-_-' well watever....i would put the pics up but rite now i dnt kno where my camera is..._-_ O AND 2DAYS MY BROTHERS BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CIAO!!!!
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 8:35 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Welp!!!!!!!!!!! Guessity guess wat? Last day of skool was yesterday and summer officially started...thats rite anime and unfortunately cleaning all still going 2 sum georgia tech thingy and that hoby leadership thing......the cookout got cancelled 2day :( so did my trip 2 six flags D: so were goin 2 the movies and u kno how much i suck @ bowling? EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mite take lots of pictures tho.....lyk i kinda did yesterday.....but i dnt feel lyk goin 2 get my camera 2 upload them....yeppers im just that gonna work on that this also gonna try 2 not procrastinate on tuesday i should b helping my grandma put floor tiles n our kitchen....and then were gonna paint the walls and im gonna c wat i can do 2 my room....i thought about putting a hole bunch of my pictures up but wen everything got old and fell down that would b a lot of paper 2 pick gonna try 2 come outside more cuz all i do is sit n the house and eat, only god knows how i stay half way skinny XP z.z HAHAHAHAAA!!!!! new sleepy face!!!!!!!!!! l:) and that face has a unibrow!!!!!!!!!!!! my r is fixed but my w is still crapped up......i wonder if mariah is still having her 4th of july cookout....O.o i wonder if were goin 2 the park 2 feed the geese 2moro? (where did that come from? O>o) i kno 4 sure we still gotta help the monkeys take over the world? and u kno wat i just thought of? the powerpuff girls movie!!!!!! cuz mojo jojo tried 2 take over the world with his monkey friends!!!!!!! they came pretty close 2!!!!!!!! so anyway KELLAN LUTZ (from twilight) LYKS RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!!!!!!!! i hope he doesnt rape them...._-_ *o* @_@ T_T
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 8:16 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
CREEPED!!!!!!!!! O.o
i will 4ever and always b creeped out.....there was sum dude (teacher) @ our skool who payed this girl 20 dollars 2 "suck him" EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wat makes it even worse is the dudes classroom is rite next 2 my 3rd period!!!!! D: AND he would occassionally TRY 2 talk 2 me....tehehe....stupid im really glad i ignored him...-_-' ITS CUZ IM PSYCHIC LYK THAT!!!!!!!!! no the demonic rats and tutles warned me about his plan but told e not 2 tell anybody....*^*
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 5:00 PM 2 comments
OMG!!!!! i feel lyk im posting extremely early...well....i am....IM GONNA PLAY WITH PLAY-DOUGH WEN I GET OFF OF HERE!!!!!!!!!! ^-^ we finished the pojects n AP and he was lyk hes giving us 4 essay/short answer (watever) questions but we only had 2 answer 3...i think one of them is gonna b that who do u wanna meet n history.....but im not sure if hes giving them 2 us cuz 4 my final grade he already put 98.....-_-' maybe he ealized he wasnt gonna feel lyk reading all those essays *^* yep....we took our literature final.....that was easy.....3rd period i FINALLY started working on my review sheet but since he dnt go over the answers with us we mite just finish the review sheet n class as the final....we already took our final n ms bentons class and I GOT A 79!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!! (no im not being sarcastic) i dnt study AT ALL and it covered lyk a hole 12 anyway since we were oiginally supposed 2 take ou final 2moro she let us take it 2day and if we dnt lyk our grade we could take it again 2moro.....i grade dnt go down @ all....well @ 1st it went down 2 a 96 but then it went up higher than it was b4 i took the final so that was kinda weird but hey im not complainin........yesterday and the other day i dnt feel lyk waking up...well i never do but this time i dnt even hear my alarm so i almost overslept...-_-' and last nite i dnt get any sleep @ all.....i went 2 bed @ 6 n the morning and i wake up @ 6:20.....o but i dnt oversleep then....i dnt kno wats wrong with my mind..._-'_ o yea....i was sneak-taking a hole bunch of pictures of everyone n my classes ^-^ MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! they never even knew wat hit 'em....thats anyway......1 MORE FREAKIN DAY OF SKOOL LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD if my smile could get any bigger than that id kill myself...._-'_
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 2:06 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
*€* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *€*
i just had 2 put the wolf there it was calling out 2 me "*little high-pitched voice* Use me! USE ME ALYCIA!!!!!! USE ME B4 I BLO U UP SUCKER!!!!!!!!!!" u think tomatos hiding behind my background O.o *tomato: evil maniacal laughing* _-_ o yea....u can ignore the orange bar thingy @ the 2 lazy 2 make it go ANYWAY...
ok so i wanted 2 wear my hair a little different 4 the last day of skool so i wanna kno wat u think.....well it mainly blaze cuz shes the only one who gets on here everyday...sarah MITE decide 2 get on 2day idk......still wanna kno wat u think....after i do my little rant...XD MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!! B CAPTURED BY MY WORDS!!!!!!!!! XP so anyway m mcculloughs giving us a final and he was lyk it mite b sumthing where we have 2 rite about who we would wanna meet from world either gonna put jesus, i dnt kno....or sum japanese dude/dudette..._-'_ so we watched shrek n world lit. and i thought it was weid cuz i was watchin shrek yesterday....*o* guess wat? my W is still broken and now my r is gettin on my nerves.....i actually watched american idol 2nite......i thought that was weird...but it was good....there shoing a little preview of new moon @ the mtv awards and u already kno im gonna record it XD yep....i still record a lot....none of the twilight cast messaged me bak and they have been on since the last time i checked so the stupid suckers r ignorin me.....or maybe they just dnt have enuff time 2 check all there there ignorin gonna blo them up after i get there autographs O.o' 3rd period GRAMMY CAME!!!!! ^-^ dnt wanna give me a ride home the stupid sucker.....-_-' we dnt do anything.....
i kinda separated the ones that were the same from the different ones..._-_ *sigh...* so much work...
u kno its lyk 2 n the morning and i still havent studied 4 my finals....well ms k's sounds lyk its gonna b easy but i dnt kno wat 2 do 4 the white man..._-_
i edited this post 60 million times....-_-''
3........2.........1.....!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
*blogger blos up and tomato cackles n the background*
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 9:18 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
ok sum stuff i 4got 2 talk about n the last post.....this morning me and blaze went 2the faculty bathroom cuz we saw sum teachers cum out of it and we thought it was locked we went and the door was unlocked so that creeped us out even more....i wanted 2 clib thru the ceiling tile but we mite do that 2moro....I WANT THE WEIRDIE NINJA KID 2 B MY FRIEND!!!!!!! ^-^ it was funny cuz n 1st period we were watching this movie called band of brothers (its pretty good) and people died....that came out of nowhere....and then this other movie we watched people died and i remember there was this one guy who was really stupid...he was n the middle of the battlefield and he took his helmet off 4 no reason....he got shot n the head....the dumb sucker.....and i was just imagining lyk wat would happen if we went n the bathroom got locked n and the ninja kid came from nowhere and killed us.....the details r very graphic so im not gona talk about that...._-_ i sent a hole bunch of messages 2 people in the twilight cast....MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i just hope @ least one of them will reply....
yep yep....we dnt do anything n 4th period but i almost passed out cuz i saw this:
i got home and i think i seriously passed out again.....i was on my computer and thats wen it happened cuz i dnt remember even getting sleepy....@ least i was on my bed this time.....-_-' but i woke up and then grammy came n the room and was lyk "go eat" and i was lyk "its wednesday already? y is she tellin me 2 eat wen i havent even gotten ready 4 skool yet?" i looked out the window and it was dark outside so the 1st thing i think is o....i already went 2 skool...cant wait til thursday...*o* then she says theres chicken and other stuff down there and im lyk since wen do i eat skool chicken? wait im @ home so is it breakfast time? O.o must b thursday.....and then it finally clicked wen i saw papa wasnt home cuz he goes 2 bible study on tuesday....@ 1st i thought he was @ work but i remembered it was dark outside so im lyk doggone it its still tuesday..._-_ yes i very stupid wen i wake up -_____-'' i need 2 work on that.....and i started watching this anime called wolf's rain....its pretty good....a hole bunch of people died n the 1st episode ^-^
.....i just bumped my head against my wall....stupid sucka i dnt kno wen it got rite there -_-' (blos wall up) 83 MUHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ciao!!!! *o*
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 8:30 PM 1 comments
Stuffies!!!! ^-^
ok did i tell u about the time i cooked steak mashed potatoes and broccoli 4 mothers day? no? well im tellin u was good 2 if i do say so myself...the only problem...IT WAS POISONED (yes by me) MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i should die n about 5 guess wat? its almost finals/summer time so guess wat? IM HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! people dnt notice cuz of the shirts i wear but my stomach is extremely fat!!!!!!!!! u kno me and my friends have the weirdest conversations ever!!!!!!!! sum kinda way n 2nd period we started talkin about wat u can do 2 rape a piece of paper and could u use paper as a contact lens....-_-'' yes retarded extremely we r XD yep.....and then sum nachos joined n the raping XP ah....good times good times......bleh!!!!!!!!! 4 all of u who dont speak weirdness (almost 4got how 2 spell that....-_-'') THAT MEANS BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey i havent said bye and then kept ranting on n a long time lyk im doing now......*o* so i shall do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o wait....i dont have anything else 2 talk about so BLEH AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if u 4got wat that means then i guess u can join our retarded weirdos club that we need 2 start and get the twilight cast 2 join.....@o@ yeahhhh..........BLEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 the 3rd time this post _-'_
HOLD ON!!!!!!!!!!!! i just read a comment from my other post and i have the choices 2 go to the cookout for half the day and the other half go to the baseball game. OR invite the baseball game to the cookout OR have the cookout at the baseball game!
......i did think about going 2 the cookout 4 half a day and then go 2 the game 4 the other half but they have other stuff going on b4 then and the games n oregon _-'_ that would mean i have 2 go 2 oregon first and then fly @ 700 miles per hour 2 get bak n time 4 the cookout....if there still havin it.......i can invite the baseball game 2 the cookout cuz the person throwing it is a SERIOUS twilight fan (she read the book 50 million zillion times...) grrrrrrr.....i just need there fone number.......ugh its so frustrating not knowing wat 2 do!!!!!!!!!!! well i mite end up goin 2 the cookout cuz its free.....XD yea 4 the game u have 2 pay lyk $100....@ least if u want good seats....XP grrrrrr.....they kno they wanna invite me 4 free.........wat if i won a free ticket 2 go 2 the game?!?!?!?!?!? then i really wouldnt know wat 2 do TT.TT WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLAZE U NEED 2 COME 2 MY 3RD PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! A LOT OF ASIANS COME N THERE LYK EVERYDAY BUT IM SCARED 2 SAY HI 2 THEM CUZ THEY LOOK LYK THERE GONNA BLO ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! one asian came over behind me (looking extremely scary.....or maybe im just seeing things O.o) and started singing....i was about 2 start dancing but he was already lookin @ me lyk i was crazy....@ least he was lookin @ me rite? O.o who cares if it was n a good or bad way XD and then sum other asian said sumthing n there language and i thought he said he was gonna rape sumbody *scoots chair over away from him* -sigh- AND I FINALLY PRESENTED MY AP PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oooooooooooooo...........i dnt have any more work 2 do except he keeps tryin 2 add crap.....lyk we have 2 watch the projects and turn n which one we thought was the best y we lyked it and wat we learned from it.....-____-'' then we started watching a movie and he was lyk "u mite have 2 write a summary from the movie" and im all lyk no....u do that=u blo up >8D (holding chainsaw) or get cut whichever weapon i can get my hands on first.....then he was lyk u mite have 2 write an essay on friday as ur final exam....WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! HE TOLD US THE FREAKIN UNIT TEST 29-36 WAS THE FINAL EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF HE WANTS A FUDGIN' FINAL HE CAN JUST MOVE THAT GRADE UP 2 THE SLOT THAT SAYS FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god sumtimes supposedly smart people can b ridiculously stupid -_-'' and he always goes on about how he's smarter than us cuz he has a college degree and we dnt..he's suh a dumb arse hes just tryin 2 give us more work cuz he doesnt have a life......does he even realize that if he gives us those essays he probably wont have them graded n time....the sucker hasnt even graded all the book reflections yet......@ least he dnt grade mine.....-_-'' i swear if he lost it again *runs 2 the nuclear power plant and steals sum weapons* (picturing mr mc burning n a fire....) *o* sorry random k has us all ready 4 her final....y cant mr mc b lyk that....i say again hes so freakin stupid its not even funny......i dnt even kno wat were gonna do 4 3rd period but were reviewing 4 4th period 2day thru thursday.....yep....its lyk mr mc is the only teacher i have with a mental disorder....._-'_ HE NEEDS 2 DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so wen he blows up there better b nothin said cuz u alreay kno who done done it......IT WAS THOSE DAGGONE MINJA MONKEY KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which reminds k told us about this story where she went 2 the faculty bathroom rite.....but the door was locked so she came bak 5 minutes later and the door was still locked and wen she knocked she dnt hear anything so she got a custodian and the custodian was lyk the door can only b locked from the inside so there had 2 b sum1 n there.....they kept knocking and knocking and dnt here the custodian left 2 go get sum1 else and ms k knocked one last time and the door opened....lyk real slowly lyk n those scary movies.....and wen she opened the door she dnt c anything so she opened it further and its lyk a really small bathroom so she dnt wanna bust the door open but wen she opened it all the way there was nobody there and a tile was out of place on the was weird cuz u kno stone mountains a broke and bootleg skool so as soon as u try 2 climb n the ceiling the daggone tiles would fall.....-_-'' and she dnt hear/see anything so she was creeped out by that and that creeped me out and i couldnt sleep last nite *falls asleep on keyboard*
BBBBBLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (do u still not kno wat it means? O.o)
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 8:21 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
uhhhhhhh........i just got home and found one of my blogs on my computer so hmmmmmm.....o yea...there was this random guy with poofy hair and i just touched his ponytail 4 no reason CUZ IM G LYK THE GANGSTA RABBITS SHAWTY!!!!!!!!! XD and then me and tomato were lookin up random twilight stuff and guess wat? there havin a twilight "vampire" baseball game and the fans can get tickets to go to it.....the only problem is its july 4th and i wanted 2 go 2 this cookout...-_-'' WAT AM I SUPPOSED 2 DO?!?!?!?!?! o well.....and we found some of their addresses....O.o so i will b writing letters (thats a lot of work) tellin them i shall b stalking them....and then i'll work on my AP project....i think thats all i have 2 say....*o* no i had a LOT 2 say about the AP exam but im not gonna say it cuz were not supposed 2 talk about it....i signed the code thingy U CANT MAKE ME TALK!!!!!!!!! it was easier than i thought tho....i kinda BSed on the essays...-__-'' anyway....we watched twilight n 4th period....yea...worked on my website n 3rd....took a test n 2nd...and dnt do anything @ all n 1st...yes now that the exas over 1st period is halfway free...XD hes still don 2 much tho....wen we present our projects we have 2 write out whose we lyked best and wat we learned from it....isnt that stupid? O.o as if having 2 do the project wasnt enuff....wat if after everyones presented and u lyk sum1's project from the beginning of the week and u cant remember wat u learned from it? he lost his mind if he thinks im about 2 take notes....and then the last time we did it he dnt even collect it....stupid monkey garden tool *-*
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 1:03 PM 1 comments
DuM dE dUm!!!
im n 3rd period rite now....yep...waseem is skippin class sittin next 2 me...yep....grammy is texting me....yep....guess wat? the AP EXAM IS OVER!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! now all i have 2 do is work on my project that i havent started on yet >.< i just made an AP joke (kinda corny but still a joke!!!!) u wouldnt get it unless u were n a AP class...and actually understood the work n there.....y am i typing this? waseem just shrugged his shoulders.....i guess its cuz im bored.....yep....i have no life.....the exam wasnt as hard as i thought it was gonna b but yea...... i keep 4gettin wat i wanna im gonna go now *kills waseem with a chainsaw.....* O.o
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 1:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
ok so it seems lyk 4ever since i had a REAL post....guess wat? we have another presentation 4 4th period and the AP exam is n lyk 2 days....yep....this sux....but that just means that skool is almost over so thats great!!!!!!!!! im hungry...there was sum1 outside talking loud....hmmmm....another sign that we're gonna die......Friday we had a sophomore/freshman field day....hahaha.....we won...of course....they played basketball and jump roped and double dutched and played tug-of-war (darn 9th graders broke the rope but we still won) and had pizza....u kno i dnt even kno we had field days n high skool....i think they had sumthing last year but we had 2 pay 4 that....we were watching this movie n 2nd period and it kept skipping so i was kinda glad 2 get out of the classroom 4 the field day....but it was hot and stuffy n the gym....and crowded with black people -_-'' i saw asians was funny cuz me and blaze (u notice its always us 2 that go chasing after the asians) went chasin after this asian and we were gonna follow him 2 the gym but then he got n the lunch line.....*anime fall* T.T stupid sucker hurt my feelings!!!!! hey u kno its been a long time since i got on and i still need 2 work on my project.....*o* so much work....i actually started studying 4 the feel so accomplished.....kevin and michael were trying 2 look @ nude celebrity pics on my glad they couldnt find bored rite now....i screamed my lungs out @ the field day (image of happy tree friends pops n my head).....whoa.......sum1 is trying...and failing horribly 2 sing.......i was supposed 2 get my hair done yesterday but grammy 4got and went down 2 the neighbors house 4 lyk 50 hours....T.T SHE 4GOT ABOUT me...wait hold up...ME!!!!!!!!!!!! hey did u guyz hear about the lady that found a new moon script n her trashcan? she returned it 2 summit entertainment and got 2 tickets 2 the premiere!!!!!!! *hint hint* BLAZE AND TOMATO WE NEED 2 DO SUMTHING LYK THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT SHALL B OUR TICKET 2 THE PREMIERE!!!!!! yes.....if we cant do that then we'll just have 2 stick with plan B..wait plan A.....wait...Is the script thingy our plan A?! do we have an official plan A?!?!?! Sumone is being harassed n class.....isnt it funny how teachers dnt even care about their children? O.o O YEAH!!!!! I HAVE A NEW FACE!!!!!!! :^) 3 asians just walked n the class and they look lyk there ready 2 blo me up!!!!!!!! (overdramatically) if u dnt get this post....that must mean they blew me up.... =( I WILL MISS U ALL!!!!!!! I LEAVE MY PET MONKEYS AND TIGERS AND ZEBRA CAKES 2 BLAZE!!!!!!!! I'LL GIVE KIM ALL OF MY BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............uhhhhh....wat else do i have? O.o O....I LEAVE ALL OF MY PAPER 2 TOMATO!!!!!!! AND MY CLOTHES 2 MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!! AND 2 PENNIES 4 MY MOMMY AND GRAMMY 2 SPLIT CUZ I DNT HAVE ANY OTHER MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND A HUG 4 MY GRANDPA CUZ I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O WAIT......AND MY DRAWING STUFF 4 MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think im finished writing out my will......o wait...(i say that a lot dnt i? 8O) no i finised? i was about 2 say sumthing else but i cant remember wat it was!!!!!! hey u kno the E on my keyboard got fixed and now the W is broken? so bak 2 wat i was saying.....I LEAVE MY BLEACH EPISODES 2 MY DAD EVEN THO I DNT THINK HE KNOWS WAT IT IS!!!!!!!!! AND I SHALL LEAVE MY 4GETFULNESS 2 THE TWILIGHT CAST CUZ THEY ARE THAT SPECIAL 2 ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey i typed all this and i havent died yet......or did i? 83 i cant remember......O YEA AND I LEAVE ALL OF MY FACES 2 SPLIT AMONG URSELVES AND FITE OVER THEM LYK THE SUCCESSORS OF MUHAMMED HAD 2 DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! remembering sum AP while i type this....CUZ IM G LYK THAT HOME DAWGIE BISCUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now here r sum of the faces u can split (if i come up with more i'll let u kno....):
:) :] :} :-) =) =] =} :( :[ :{ :-( :< =( =[ ={ =< ;) ;] ;} :}) =}) :{) ={) :}( ={( :}( =}( XP XD :D =D :P x.x n.n o.o O.o OoO @.@ ^-^ :> <3 :3 <8) :^)
sum shows i should check out:airgear and ghots bak 2 the faces:
T.T TT_TT ToT *o* $o$ :s BD B) 80 :0 >:) >8O OwO O>o
ok thats enuff 4 the faces.....4 now....
i just got home from a meeting 4 the yrbook club and guess wat? i cant b n it cuz my schedule is stupid....seriously...there should b a limit on how stupid a skool can get.....-_-''
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Cuz u had a bad week....
ok....this is definitely not my started off wen i got this sty...sum type of eye sore and my eye got glad hardly anybody noticed @ skool and if they did they dnt say mc was gettin on my nerves....and i had 2 work on that presentation tingy 4 4th period.....o and then i passed was lyk i was exercising...then i felt lyk i couldnt breathe so i was gonna get sum water....i was about 2 drink sum but i guess thats wen i passed papa came down and woke me was lyk even tho i was unconcious my eyes were wide open and i was either drooling or crying....i fell over a box so i woke up n an uncomfortable position...-_-'' then the next day i almost missed the bus and i think i had a slite memory loss cuz of wen i passed out....i dnt remember anything else from that day....2day i almost missed the bus again.....i was walking out the door and i saw these other 2 guys lyk halfway down the street and the bus comes from nowhere and we're all running 2 catch the bus....i think i mite b starting 2 get asthma cuz my dad had mom has a hard time breathing wen she runs 2......hmmmmmmmm....o yea....and lyk i said n an earlier post sum1 called @ 2:30 n the morning.....and guess wat? it was my mom....i just found out she was n jail cuz she dnt pay 4 a ticket that was totally her ex-boyfriends fault...-_-'' so now we have 2 come up with $831 by next wednesday...._-'_ o yea....then it rained 2day and they were rushing people out i think saying we had a tornado was all thundery and glad i brought my umbrella.....hey does anyone have plans 4 mothers day? *~* n.n and the AP exam is next not sure if im ready....history/social studies was never my best subject.... :{
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 1:59 PM 1 comments
ok mr mcullough is officially gettin on my doggone nerves...yea i called him out....wat now sucky home dawgie skillet biscuits!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got a freakin 69 on a freakin take-home test!!!!! WTF?!?!?!?!?! i bet it was the dragflabbit essay questions....i dnt ever kno wat he wants wen we answer those so he probally took off points......i dnt even think he knows wat he wants _-'_ so ANYWAY til mr mcullough ruined my day.....2day was stupid.....yep....THAT MANS class is h3ll...u kno wat i dnt even think he reads the essays he just makes up numbers and gives us a k's class is alright....we're reading this story called mice and men...2day we have 2 write a creative writing thingy 4 the im gonna work on gonna study that book and pass the AP test so i dnt have 2 pay attention 2 mr mc.......if i get confused i'll ask kim asia or monica cuz they kno the most.....3rd period....we're working on these websites and mine is kinda finished.....i just need 2 add sum more of my work cuz we're making online portfolios.....4th period is alright.....we had 2 do 1 presentation and actually present it 2 the class and im lyk grrrrrr....-_-'' now we have 2 do another one and present it 2moro....*-* thats not cool....I HATE PRESENTING 2 THE CLASS!!!!!! which reminds me i still need a topic 4 my AP project....-_-'' and u kno wat i just remembered? we had a paper 2 turn in with that just thinking about the powerpoint......*~*
*its 2:30 in the morning now and sum1 just called from global tel*network* does this mean we're gonna die? O.o
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 4:01 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Computers r gay.....-_-''
yep that title is totally tru....1st i had 2 restart my computer and everything that was downloaded on there cuz it dnt wanna turn on erased everything lyk the pics i had saved on there and....just everything.....-_-'' then i was working on an essay 4 AP and i was tryin 2 save it 2 the computer and then my flash drive wen it shut off without saving... >( then the internet went off on me and i dnt kno wat the problem took @ least an hour 2 get it fixed and now im complaining.....yes my computer has totally out-gayed itself....friday was was career day and a hole bunch of people came 2 speak.....i had sum airplane man...a consultant guy...i think.....a police officer and a private investigator....the last 2 were the best......then me and sum friends had 2 help in the office and we got letters about the swine flu.....AND MY GRANDMA CAME 2 PICK ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so grandpa kept farting 2day.....and 1 time i was downstairs eating and he did it twice...._-'_ dnt even say excuse finished.....i need a release from this stupid day......*o*
Posted by silver_tiger312 at 6:00 PM 2 comments